Nossa busca pelA resposta, é perceber que a resposta é o dilemma. E que o sustento da monção enraíza a problematicidade*. Então enquanto há problemas, buscamos suas respostas, mas se gostamos de respostas, é por causa dos problemas, então o que gostamos mesmo é de problemas, e a máquina da vida é uma perfeita máquina de problemas. Sorrindo a nossa inata capacidade por respostas, nasce a escolha, pois mesmo que o chão esteja posto, há tantos caminhos a serem trilhados quanto nossa abilidade por gerá-los.
*de toda sorte, sendo um dos mais básico a busca pela próxima refeição.
Our quest for The answer, is to foresee that such an answer is its dilemma. And that the basis of motion is rooted on problemicity*. So while there are problems, we seek answers, but if we like answers, it's because of the problems, so what we really like are problems, and the mechanism of life is a perfect streamline of them. Smiling at are innate capacity for answers, so choice is born, coz’ even though the ground is laid, there are as many pathways to be followed as our ability to concieve.
*of any kind, being one of the most basics a quest for the next meal.
*de toda sorte, sendo um dos mais básico a busca pela próxima refeição.
Our quest for The answer, is to foresee that such an answer is its dilemma. And that the basis of motion is rooted on problemicity*. So while there are problems, we seek answers, but if we like answers, it's because of the problems, so what we really like are problems, and the mechanism of life is a perfect streamline of them. Smiling at are innate capacity for answers, so choice is born, coz’ even though the ground is laid, there are as many pathways to be followed as our ability to concieve.
*of any kind, being one of the most basics a quest for the next meal.
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