Sunday, January 27, 2008

Waterfall / Cachoeira (Sunday Scribblings)

Painted in December 2007 while visiting some friends in the countryside. / Pintado em dezembro 2007 enquanto visitava alguns amigos no interior.

Rocks turned into
Soft pin cushions
Massaged beneath
The frosty streams

Of purple shades
And hidden thoughts
While memories glimpsed
A twilight dream

More on Sunday Scribblings


paisley said...

what a beautiful poem... i have to wonder tho,, and you are free to delete this.. the word cochins,,

a cochin is a chicken... is it possible you meant cushion??? that works and makes a lot more sense.....

but then i am no authority.....

Tumblewords: said...

A gorgeous poem! 'While memories glimpsed a twilight dream' is superb!

Gilson said...

Thanks for the correction Paisley. It really went by unnoticed; I should have bothered taking a look in the dictionary first. Thanks anyway!

Thank you tumblewords! Your comments are always very welcome here.

Shari said...

It flows along and is enjoyable to read. The "frosty streams" sound beautiful. I've seen some before. They are very refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Lovely phrases. Wonderful poem.

Arty? Not me!!

Rodrigo de Morais said...

Sim, eu o vi nascer. A pintura ritmada ao vento, som, momento se faz mais um reflexo extraviado do nosso interior desconhecido (baú de si). Ao passo que se segue o compasso do pincel e dos anseios, traço por traço, figura por figura, o quadro fecha uma construção de uma “reticências” de imagens, que na teoria afirma uma representação não poder impor uma interpretação às vistas “conjecturantes” que possuímos, que nos diferenciam e sombreiam. Eu não gostei da forma como escrevi. Mas leiam-se estas palavras ao tom de uma pintura rústica sendo mais uma interpretação.

when I saw the painting finished, I felt in my eyes my brain reflected as metaphor (metáfora, não sei bem. corrigam-me se errado).

abraço gilson

Clare said...

Hi Gilson! Incredible painting -- I love it -- as I look at it, different shapes and figures appear and disappear, like when watching clouds -- it's very cool. And your poem is really beautiful -- I especially love "of purple shades and hidden thoughts". I hope you have a really nice week!

Gilson said...

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments. They are truly appreciated.