Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Heart’s Warm Beat (One Single impression)

The twisting of branches
My growing arms
Towards the sky reaching
In search of love
And love is beauty
And beauty is.

When time is but a distraction
To all I’ve seen and known
Spaceless timeless me
Lost throughout infinity

Forgetting where I came from
To find me back again
Where clocks refuse to tick
Forever in a glimpse

For here is there is everywhere
I’ve ever tried to be
And what I am I wear like clothes
Coz’ I’m a sparkly rain drop
Assured that there's a me
But what life keeps on whispering
Is that we are the sea

Read more poems on One Single Impression


SandyCarlson said...

Beautifully done. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very nice interweaving of the different aspect of time.

Anonymous said...

It got me intertwined in here! Thanks!

mundane meanderings

PS: Please do come and post at Monday Poetry Train Revisited. Don't forget to hop on the train. You will love to board it!

Tumblewords: said...

Time and the sea! Wonderful!!

Gilson said...

Thank you all for your comments! They are truly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

we are the sea... i like the thought of that... and then "..And what I am I wear like clothes.." that too somehow appeals to me...